Watch: Assam

Watch: Assam’s Himanta Salma "holiday" Invite to Uddhav Thackley

Assam’s Prime Minister Himanta Biswa Salma wiped out allegations on Friday that he hosted the rebel Shiv Sena MLA at a five-star hotel in Guwahati to support a coup against Uddhav Thacke in Maharashtra.

“Invite MLA from all over the country to Assam. How can I prevent people from coming to the hotel? Can I tell you not to come to the hotel in Assam because of the federal government structure in the country? Someone comes I would be happy if they could stay in Assam as long as they wanted, “Salma told news agency ANI.

When I asked Mr. Thackeray what to say, he said, “You should come on vacation too.”

Mr. Salma’s plot took place amid the growing rebellion of Maharashtra’s ruling Shiv Sena against Prime Minister Uddhav Thacke.

About 40 Shiv SenaMLAs, led by Minister Eknath Shinde, are believed to have been trapped in BJP-controlled Assam and challenged Thackeray’s leadership and the alliance with Congress and the Sharad Pawar-led Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). I am.

Rebels called for Shiv Sena to end the unlikely alliance and instead partner with the BJP. Mr. Thackeray’s camp said he was ready to consider even if he moved to disqualify 16 dissidents from Congress.